For You Lot Data - Roman Observation Towers Unearthed Inwards Turkey's Konya

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 hundred edge monitoring towers convey been discovered inwards the Bozdağ National Park inwards the Central Anatolian say of Konya’s Karatay district. The towers were built during the Roman Empire to serve every bit edge outposts as well as were besides used past times the Byzantines.

 Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 hundred edge monitoring towers convey been discovered inwards the Bozda For You Information - Roman observation towers unearthed inwards Turkey's Konya
The surface area of the towers was used to family military machine garrisons past times the Romans as well as was the
seat of an Armenian diocese in the Byzantine catamenia [Credit: AA]
The tower remnants convey been unearthed past times a squad of viii people headed past times Selçuk University (SU) Conservation as well as Restoration of Movable Cultural Heritage Department President İlker Işık.

Speaking to the Anadolu Agency, Işık said the Bozdağ National Park had been an of import champaign alongside ancient sites some it.

“We convey flora 100 towers, where i or 2 guards could proceed watch. We convey photographed 42 of them as well as nosotros volition operate on the other towers inwards the coming days,” said Işık, adding they had examined an surface area of 3,500 hectares inwards 2 years.

He besides noted the towers lost their business office later on the Roman as well as Byzantine eras as well as were used “as sheep pens as well as granaries” during the Seljuk period.

Source: Hurriyet Daily News [July 13, 2018]

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