For Y'all Data - Route Workers Detect Ancient Sarcophagus Inward Northern Turkey

An ancient sarcophagus has been discovered during route plant inwards northern Turkey's Karabük province, according to reports.

 An ancient sarcophagus has been discovered during route plant inwards northern Turkey For You Information - Road workers abide by ancient sarcophagus inwards northern Turkey
IHA/DHA Photos
Fatih Demirel, the district governor of Yenice, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the sarcophagus is estimated to endure well-nigh 1,800 years old. Since the uncovering on Sunday, route plant convey been stopped as well as local safety forces convey been watching the surface area non-stop.

Several tear bottles dating dorsum to the Roman era, along amongst many other historical artefacts were establish inwards the sarcophagus, experts said.

Source: Daily Sabah [July 10, 2018]

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