For Y'all Data - Novel Discoveries Strengthen Identification Of Biblical Bethsaida

The Center for the Study of Ancient Judaism as well as Christian Origins as well as Nyack College denote the 3rd flavour of excavations bring been completed at Khirbet el-Araj (Beit ha-Bek) on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. New discoveries bring come upwards to light, which strengthens its identification amongst the ancient Jewish line-fishing hamlet of Bethsaida. The metropolis is mentioned inwards the New Testament every bit the dwelling of the Apostles: Peter, Andrew as well as Philip.

 The Center for the Study of Ancient Judaism as well as Christian Origins as well as Nyack College annou For You Information - New discoveries strengthen identification of Biblical Bethsaida
Aerial persuasion of the earthworks site at Khirbet el-Araj (Beit ha-Bek) on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee
[Credit: Zachary Won, 
El-Araj Excavations Project]
The earthworks is beingness conducted past times the Institute for Galilean Archaeology at Kinneret College, nether the direction of doctor Mordechai Aviam, inwards collaboration amongst the Center for the Study of Ancient Judaism as well as doctor R. Steven Notley from Nyack College, New York, who serves every bit the excavation's academic director. This flavour hosted over lxxx students as well as volunteers. Among the participants were faculty, staff as well as students from Nyack College, students from Kinneret College as well as others from the United States, Hong Kong as well as Brazil.

"The electrical flow excavations bring demonstrated beyond whatsoever inquiry that the site of el-Araj was settled inwards the Roman catamenia as well as was non underwater every bit the archaeologists of et-Tell bring claimed," shared doctor R. Steven Notley of Nyack College. "Since our village is situated betwixt et-Tell as well as the Sea of Galilee, nosotros bring strengthened our claim that el-Araj is the leading candidate for the line-fishing hamlet of Bethsaida, dwelling of the Apostles. Not solely bring nosotros uncovered buildings as well as artifacts from this early on period, nosotros bring unearthed to a greater extent than testify from the afterward Byzantine church, which was reported past times pilgrims to endure built over the family of Peter as well as Andrew. Among this season's finds is a fascinating rock amongst smoothly carved niches that may bring been a reliquary from the Byzantine church building as well as preserved remains of the Apostles nether the altar of the church."

 The Center for the Study of Ancient Judaism as well as Christian Origins as well as Nyack College annou For You Information - New discoveries strengthen identification of Biblical Bethsaida
The earthworks site at Khirbet el-Araj (Beit ha-Bek) on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee
[Credit: Zachary Won, 
El-Araj Excavations Project]
Last yr unearthed the firstly cloth testify that the site was settled inwards the Roman period. The regain challenged previous assumptions that the lake covered the entire expanse nether 2 meters of H2O inwards the Roman catamenia as well as that el-Araj was settled solely afterward inwards the Byzantine period. doctor Rami Arav has theorized that a lagoon extended inland to the vicinity of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Park, where he has excavated over the final thirty years attempting to position Bethsaida amongst the site of et-Tell. However, the results of the electrical flow excavations bring demonstrated that the lake did non extend inland to et-Tell, leaving el-Araj on the lakeshore as well as thus the leading candidate for the site of Bethsaida-Julias.

This season, the previously excavated Roman stratum at el-Araj was expanded. The most of import finds were from a newly excavated expanse almost fifty meters eastward of the Roman bathhouse discovered final year. At a depth of 3 meters below the surface as well as 211 meters below body of body of water level, remains of buildings from the Roman catamenia were unearthed. These findings betoken that el-Araj was, inwards fact, a large village as well as non exactly a unmarried bathhouse on the shore of the lake every bit some bring claimed.

 The Center for the Study of Ancient Judaism as well as Christian Origins as well as Nyack College annou For You Information - New discoveries strengthen identification of Biblical Bethsaida
Assortment of artefacts recovered during the 2018 excavations at Khirbet el-Araj
[Credit: Zachary Won, 
El-Araj Excavations Project]
Among other discoveries, the novel expanse has also yielded many fragments from crude lamps, including a knife-pared Herodian crude lamp. This type of light was produced inwards Jerusalem from the days of the Second Temple period. It appears primarily inwards Jewish settlements as well as points to an early on Jewish presence at el-Araj. In addition, cherry fresco fragments were found, indicating luxurious buildings of somebody or world space. Also, inwards several excavated areas, many Pb weights for line-fishing nets were found. These are feature of the line-fishing communities surrounding the lake.

The excavated expanse where the Roman bathhouse was discovered final yr was widened, finding many fired bricks, both foursquare as well as hollow (tubuli) typical to Roman baths, fragments of marble as well as large chunks of mosaic reinforced amongst a thick layer of cement. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 massive square-built construction was also unearthed, which could endure business office of the bathhouse. The assemblage of pottery as well as coins clearly engagement the village to the Roman catamenia from the firstly century to the commencement of the 4th century CE.

 The Center for the Study of Ancient Judaism as well as Christian Origins as well as Nyack College annou For You Information - New discoveries strengthen identification of Biblical Bethsaida
A 300 kg basalt rock amongst smoothly carved niches. This may bring been the reliquary from
the Byzantine church building of Bethsaida that was built over the family of Peter as well as Andrew.
If so, it may bring contained remains of the Apostles
[Credit: Mordechai Aviam]
After the abandonment of the village inwards the piece of cake Roman period, the site was covered past times floods from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan River as well as H2O streams eastward of el-Araj. In the Byzantine period, a edifice complex was erected that may bring included a church. This is affirmed past times architectural elements typical of a church building that has been discovered at the site.

These finds check to the testimony of a Christian pilgrim past times the scream of Willibald who passed this expanse inwards 725 CE. He states that he visited a church building at Bethsaida that stood over the family of Peter as well as Andrew. This is probable the church building the squad has flora fragments of inwards the excavation. One odd as well as interesting artifact was discovered this season. It was non flora inwards situ but was inwards secondary usage every bit business office of the Ottoman edifice that in ane lawsuit stood on the site. It is a large block of basalt, weighing some 300 kgs. amongst 3 smoothly carved depressions. It mightiness bring been used every bit a reliquary inwards a church, maybe the church building described past times Willibald. If so, it may bring held the relics of the Apostles nether the altar of the church.

The findings from the earthworks maintain to betoken that the H2O score of the Sea of Galilee inwards the New Testament catamenia was much lower than previously thought, maybe comparable to the score of today, around 215 meters below body of body of water level, which some geologists bring already suggested. In the side past times side season, the excavators volition deepen the excavated expanse exposing to a greater extent than layers from the Roman village as well as opened upwards additional areas to sympathize the extent of the settlement.

Excavations volition resume inwards 2019 from June sixteen through July 11. For to a greater extent than information watch the earthworks website at

Source: PRNewswire [August 01, 2018]

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