For Yous Data - Mycenaean Fortress 'Discovered' Most Due South Bulgarian Town Of Zlatograd

H5N1 3,000 yr one-time ancient fortress was discovered past times archaeologists inwards Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains, close the town of Zlatograd as well as the edge amongst Greece. The fortification is idea to appointment to the Late Bronze Age as well as is prove that ancient Thrace was live on of the Mycenaean Greek world.

 yr one-time ancient fortress was discovered past times archaeologists inwards Republic of Bulgaria For You Information - Mycenaean fortress 'discovered' close southward Bulgarian town of Zlatograd
The Cyclopean masonry outer wall of the newly discovered fortress close Bulgaria’s Zlatograd
is like to that of ancient Mycenae [Credit: BTA]
The archaeological expedition was exploring a Thracian regal residence from the fourth - 5th centuries BC, when they came upon the fortress, the walls of which are made of huge rock blocks weighing to a greater extent than than five tonnes each.

"This is 1 of the outset testimonies of Mycenaean Thrace... dating dorsum to 3,000 - 3,200 years ago. The fortress wall nosotros found, also equally the ceramics, genuinely dot it was the catamenia of the Trojan War", said archeologist Nikolai Ovcharov.

“The fortress wall was built using the Cyclopean masonry typical of the 13th – 11th century BC, the same type equally inwards substitution sites such equally Troy, Mycenae, as well as Tiryns, the centres of the Mycenaean Civilisation,” Ovcharov added.

Behind the fortress wall, the archaeologists constitute a regal necropolis, a sanctuary as well as a fortified castle. Two buildings amongst instance features as well as a sanctuary were studied. The expanse is filled amongst rock altars, perhaps live on of a settlement, which is to a greater extent than than 3,000 years old.

The expedition is funded for the 5th consecutive yr past times the Regional Ethnographic Museum inwards Zlatograd. Research volition live on along adjacent year

Source: Novinite [November 02, 2018]

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