For You Lot Data - 'Restless Times: Archeology Inward Germany' At The Martin Gropius Bau Inward Berlin, Germany

In 2018, the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte too the Verband der Landesarchäologen (Association of Federal State Archaeologists) mountain an exhibition inwards the Gropius Bau entitled "Restless times: Archaeology inwards Germany", which marks the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

hgeschichte too the Verband der Landesarch For You Information - 'Restless Times: Archaeology inwards Germany' at the Martin Gropius Bau inwards Berlin, Germany
Credit: Axel Thünker
Digital communication too high-speed carry are bringing people ever closer together, too brand globalization seem similar a modern phenomenon. But the reality is that transregional networks too all of their concomitant effects stimulate got e'er been an inherent role of society, too stimulate got fundamentally influenced people’s lives since prehistoric times.

Every day, archaeologists brand discoveries which dorsum this upwards inwards hitting ways. Restless Times. Archaeology inwards Deutschland presents the most spectacular archaeological finds of the past times xx years, from the Stone Age to the 20th century. Organized about the iv themes of Mobility, Conflict, Exchange too Innovation, too amongst over 1000 exhibits, visitors volition live able to larn a feel of the personal, economical too cultural effects of transregional interaction.

European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 aims to shed lite on processes of central too on relationships inside Europe. Under the motto Sharing Heritage, the rich cultural heritage of Europe volition live presented through various projects, enabling novel interpretations. Restless Times. Archaeology inwards Deutschland is the major projection nether the subject Exchange too Movement, too looks at the cultural heritage of Europe from an archaeological perspective.

hgeschichte too the Verband der Landesarch For You Information - 'Restless Times: Archaeology inwards Germany' at the Martin Gropius Bau inwards Berlin, Germany
Credit: Y. Mühleis
The aim of the exhibition is for the objects on display to highlight the connections betwixt our cultural past times amongst the electrical flow day, too to brand clear that the foundations of a mutual Europe were set several K years ago, too that it is from these foundations that a unique cultural network arose which continues to shape us today.

Above all of this stands the drive of people every bit a connective, basic regulation of history: this is the footing for the spread of goods too ideas, the evolution of merchandise too progress, too of their associated structural changes too conflicts. For this reason, the exhibition is non divided chronologically, but rather is guided past times the iv themes of Mobility, Exchange, Conflict too Innovation.

Framed past times this thematic system, the exhibition presents spectacular finds too inquiry findings from the past times xx years from every terra firma inwards the Federal Republic over a infinite of 1600 m2, roofing the entire ground flooring of the Gropius Bau.

hgeschichte too the Verband der Landesarch For You Information - 'Restless Times: Archaeology inwards Germany' at the Martin Gropius Bau inwards Berlin, Germany
Credit: Juraj Lipták
seventy individuals too institutions from correct across Deutschland are supporting the exhibition amongst loans, amongst a total of 300 archaeological finds providing good over 1000 high-calibre exhibits from the Stone Age into the 20th century. All the exhibits are united past times the fact that, despite their uniqueness, they produce non stand upwards alone, but e'er stimulate got to live viewed every bit role of a European network.

At the centre of the exhibition inwards the atrium of the Gropius Bau stands the port wall of Romanera Cologne, which was of late unearthed during the structure of the Cologne metro. The colossal remains of a 3.5m high retaining wall made of almost 2000-year-old oak planks volition live presented together amongst thousands of fragments from the port basin.


In the Mobility section, the human beingness stands front end too centre. People moved nigh for a whole hit of reasons, lonely or inwards large groups, on curt trips or across long distances, too their paths are traceable through what they left behind. Here, nosotros accept a await at iv major migrational events of the Neolithic Age that had lasting effects on the European cistron pool.

hgeschichte too the Verband der Landesarch For You Information - 'Restless Times: Archaeology inwards Germany' at the Martin Gropius Bau inwards Berlin, Germany
Credit: Johannes Wiedmann
H5N1 especially fascinating respect is the Neolithic ritual site inwards Herxheim (Rhineland-Palatinate), where at the outset of the fifth century BCE people converged from every bit far away every bit 400km for a mysterious sacrificial ritual.


Right upwards to the electrical flow day, Europe has been shaped past times Conflicts too military machine clashes. One of the discoveries of recent years is the Bronze-Age Battle at Tollense (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). On this site, inwards about 1300 BCE, the earliest attestable battle inwards the history of Europe was carried out. But conflict also emerges on another, intellectual level, inwards the shape of iconoclasm.

hgeschichte too the Verband der Landesarch For You Information - 'Restless Times: Archaeology inwards Germany' at the Martin Gropius Bau inwards Berlin, Germany
Credit: J. Vogel
The Berlin sculptural respect tin live understood every bit an illustration of this, amongst the sixteen plant stemming from an exhibition of “degenerate art” organized past times the Nazis inwards the 1930s for propaganda purposes, which were stored together amongst other seized artworks inwards an even out that was destroyed inwards 1944 past times bombing raids.


In the Exchange section, the focus is on commodities. H5N1 wide arc is drawn from the production of raw materials to distribution too professionalized trade, too the social too urban planning changes that went along amongst them. Exhibits such every bit the Gessel Gold Hoard (Lower Saxony) amongst 82 standardized gilt spirals, or the Oberding Copper Treasure (Bavaria), amongst 796 identical clasp-ingots bundled into groups of 10, demonstrate strikingly that fifty-fifty 4000 years agone at that spot were transregional trading units.

hgeschichte too the Verband der Landesarch For You Information - 'Restless Times: Archaeology inwards Germany' at the Martin Gropius Bau inwards Berlin, Germany
Credit: Stefan Brentführer
In the quondam centre of the urban amount of Lübeck however, merchandise has to live understood inwards a totally unlike way. Here, inwards the twelfth century, standardized buildings were constructed to cater to merchants, amongst soundless intact wooden basements designed to concur trading goods.


In the terminal section, the exhibition turns its focus to Innovations – both inwards technical too intellectual terms. Exhibits include humanity’s earliest illustration of figural art, the around 35,000-year-old Venus of Hohle Fels (Baden-Württemberg), too the Bronze-Age Nebra Sky Disk (Saxony-Anhalt), amongst the world’s oldest known concrete depiction of the cosmos.

Also on demonstrate are 3000-year-old gilt hats from Deutschland too France, which stand upwards for non but masterly achievements inwards techniques of goldsmithing, but are also adorned amongst calendrical symbols.

We would similar to inform y'all that the original Nebra Sky Disc volition live on exhibit until v Nov 2018, later which it volition live replaced past times a high-quality replica. From seven Nov to 17 Dec 2018, some other spectacular respect volition live on display, the horse’s caput from Waldgirmes inwards Hessen, which in ane trial formed role of a Roman equestrian statue inwards bronze.

Source: Museums Portal Berlin [September 22, 2018]

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