For You Lot Data - ‘Photographing Tutankhamun’ Exhibition Reveals Historical Context Behind Pioneering Images

Iconic photography taken during the decade-long earthworks of King Tutankhamun’s tomb has gone on display at Cambridge University’s Museum of Archaeology in addition to Anthropology (MAA).

 Iconic photography taken during the decade For You Information - ‘Photographing Tutankhamun’ exhibition reveals historical context behind pioneering images
Credit: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford
The exhibition Photographing Tutankhamun has been curated yesteryear University of East Anglia (UEA) Egyptologist Dr Christina Riggs in addition to gives a dissimilar stance on the ‘golden age’ of archeology in addition to photography inwards the Middle East.

The exhibition highlights the operate of famous Egyptologist in addition to archaeological lensman Harry Burton in addition to the iconic images he captured during the lengthy earthworks of the Pharoah’s tomb inwards Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. Dr Riggs is the start mortal to report the entire archive of earthworks photographs, too equally the start to consider them from the viewpoint of photographic history inwards the Middle East.

She said: “The exhibition gives a fresh lead maintain on i of the most famous archeology discoveries from the end 100 years. It questions the influence photography has on our perception in addition to provides insight on the historical context of the regain – a fourth dimension when archeology liked to acquaint itself equally a scientific discipline that alone Europeans in addition to Americans could do.

“Through the eyes of the photographic television camera lens, the exhibition demonstrates the huge input from the Egyptian authorities in addition to the hundreds of Egyptians working amongst the likes of Harry Burton in addition to Howard Carter. This refreshing approach helps us sympathise what Tutankhamun meant to Egyptians inwards the 1920s – in addition to poses the of import enquiry of what scientific discipline looks similar in addition to who does it.”

As purpose of her project, Dr Riggs studied some 1,400 photographs yesteryear Burton inwards the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Burton worked for the museum for most of his life, in addition to his personal correspondence inwards their archives has offered of import novel insights into his operate on the tomb of Tutankhamun – including some of the technical problems, personal tensions, in addition to political issues behind the scenes.

Dr Chris Wingfield, Senior Curator (Archaeology) at MAA, said: "With potent collections of historic photographs documenting the history of archeology in addition to anthropology, nosotros at MAA are excited nearly hosting an exhibition that explores the of import ways inwards which photography contributed to – you lot could fifty-fifty tell created – the field. We hold upwardly along to prepare Egyptologists in addition to archaeologists hither inwards Cambridge, in addition to then this exhibition is an chance to recall nearly how these disciplines were practised inwards the past, in addition to to assist shape their futures."

More than ii dozen images lead maintain been created specially for the exhibition using digital scans from Burton’s master copy glass-plate negatives, including some never seen before. Also on display are paper in addition to publicity materials from the 1920s in addition to beyond, which exhibit how the photographs were used inwards print. The scans lead maintain been made yesteryear The Griffith Institute at the University of Oxford, which is habitation to excavator Howard Carter’s ain records of the excavation, including roughly 1,800 negatives in addition to a gear upwardly of photograph albums.

The exhibition comes to Cambridge from The Collection inwards Lincoln, where it debuted inwards Nov 2017. It runs from June 14-September 23, 2018. Entry is free.

Source: University of Cambridge [June 14, 2018]

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